Today’s Very Sad😭News !! Meri Brown Demanded Closure Amid Split

Meri Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube

Sister Wives star Meri Brown seems content with her decision to divorce Kody. However, she also recently admitted she demanded closure while they were breaking up.

Most Sister Wives fans agree that Kody Brown was less than amicable as he navigated his triple divorces. In fact, many viewers felt saddened to see him treat Meri so horribly and cast her aside.

To make matters worse, he had no problem speaking harshly about her in confessionals.

Eventually, it got to the point where Meri put her foot down and demanded a conversation. See what she had to say.

Meri Brown Felt Disheartended Kody Wouldn’t Speak To Her

Onscreen, fans could clearly see that Kody and Meri Brown’s marriage was crumbling before their very eyes. Between the catfish scandal and the official divorce so Kody could adopt Robyn’s kids, the situation seemed more dire than the year before.

But according to Meri, Kody never really seemed interested in discussing their situation. Instead, she had to force a conversation on him.

“There were things that I wanted to bring up, that I wanted to be talked about, and they were. and then there were things that he was like — [he] said some really silly things. And I’m like, ‘Really? Really?’” she said during her appearance on The Sarah Fraser Podcast.

Meri Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

The TLC Star Has Mixed Feelings About Her Broken Marriage

Meri Brown is at least thankful for her child, Leon. Not every second of her marriage to Kody Brown was a nightmare. However, she does sort of feel like she wasted many years of her life on him.

Meri Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

“I’m a little bit mixed on it. Sometimes, if I’m in more of a negative headspace, for lack of a better term, like if I’m feeling like that, I’m like, ‘Gosh dang it. Why couldn’t we just figure this out a long time ago?’ I could’ve dated in my 40s rather than dated in my 50s,” she shared in the interview.

The Sister Wives star concluded the interview by stating she has no regrets over ending her marriage.

What do you think about Meri’s demand for closure? Share your own ideas in the comments.


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