Update Shocking: Meri & Kody Brown Reconnect: Giving Love Another Try?

Meri Brown - Kody Brown - Sister Wives - Instagram - YouTube

A Sister Wives bombshell is making rounds on social media as rumor has it Kody Brown and his first wife Meri have reconnected and are living love another try.

Where exactly did this rumor originate from and is there any truth to it? Keep reading for the scoop.

Meri & Kody Brown Reconnect: Giving Love Another Try?

Admitting they know it is wild speculation, one Sister Wives fan questions if there is a world where Meri and Kody Brown would reconnect and give love another try.

The fan points out there have been reports of the two being spotted together recently.

And, they believe Kody Brown might get desperate enough for cash that he’s willing to forgo the fact that he doesn’t want Meri and give it another chance.

Meri Brown - Kody Brown Instagram
Instagram, Meri

Would Meri Brown be willing to take him back? 

Obviously, there are two people in this equation. If Kody Brown decided he wanted to get back with Meri, would she be interested in giving it another try? For the most part, fans chiming in on this topic via Reddit were in agreement that Meri would not even hesitate to get back with Kody if she was given the opportunity.

As fans recall, Meri and Kody Brown only split up because he went on television and told the world he didn’t feel like he was married to her anymore and gave his blessing on her finding someone else to be with.

Meri Brown and Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC
YouTube, TLC

Kody all but offered to walk her down the aisle to a new man. Meri didn’t really choose to walk away from the relationship so much as Kody forced her out.

And, fans don’t think she ever really stopped loving him. So, they believe she would take him back in a heartbeat. Here’s what some fans had to say about it:

  • “I don’t think that’s wild at all. Getting back together with Meri for her money is exactly the kind of ish he would pull.”
  • “Meri has said time and time again she is open to reconciliation.”
  • “Seeing how long she stayed when he was totally indifferent toward her, I wouldn’t be surprised if she still helps him financially.”

Do you think Meri Brown would reconnect with her husband Kody? Would Kody get back with Meri just to continue to have a plural family? Or, do you think this wild rumor growing legs is just that — a rumor.

Share your thoughts with us down below. And, keep coming back for more Sister Wives news, rumors, and fan theories.


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