Update News: Meri Brown Did Something to Robyn Brown That Made Kody Brown Fall in Love with Her Again.

Despite walking away from her plural marriage, Sister Wives star Meri Brown has continued to protect her sister wife, Robyn Brown, from criticism.

Meri was the first wife of polygamist patriarch Kody Brown, who she married in 1990. The disappointments started right away.

Meri had grown up in a big polygamous family herself, so she wanted the same thing for herself. Though she wanted to have many children, she and Kody struggled to conceive. They eventually had one child together, but they’d never have anymore.

Sister Wives: Robyn CRIES Over Kody and Meri's Broken Bond (Exclusive) -  YouTube

Driven in part by Meri’s fertility struggles, Kody married two additional women, Janelle Brown and Christine Brown, soon after his wedding to Meri.

Another 16 years would go by before Kody would add a fourth wife, Robyn, to the mix. Meri and Robyn were close, and it’s possible the relationship kept Meri trapped in the marriage long after she should have walked away.

In 2022, after 32 years of marriage, Meri finally leaves Kody, but the Sister Wives season 18 star continues to protect Robyn.

Meri Doesn’t Blame Robyn

She Recently Said So During A Podcast

Though Kody had already neglected Meri for many years before marrying Robyn, adding another woman to the family changed the dynamic and took Kody away from Meri even more.

The Sister Wives patriarch was criticized for spending more time with Robyn and her children than with his other three wives and their children.

In 2014, wanting to legally adopt Robyn’s three children from her first marriage, Kody even legally divorced Meri and married Robyn.

In June, Meri appeared on the Miss Understood Podcast, which aired on YouTube, and she posted about it on Instagram. In the hour-plus-long interview, Meri directly addressed the fact that many fans blame Robyn for the dissolution of the Brown family.

Meri insisted that Kody’s multiple marriages were in trouble long before Robyn entered the picture.

Meri’s continued defense of Robyn is unsurprising, as Meri is used to letting Kody and his fourth wife walk all over her.

Meri Feels Responsible

Sister Wives montage featuring Meri on the left looking happy and robyn on the right looking unhappy

Adding insult to the injury of being emotionally abandoned by her husband, it was Meri who introduced Kody to Robyn in the first place.

While Janelle and Christine were less interested in adding a fourth wife to the family, Meri instantly liked Robyn and felt called to add her as a sister wife.

Throughout the years, Robyn and Meri were always close, while Christine and Janelle got closer after leaving Kody.

The premiere season of Sister Wives followed the family as they courted and married Robyn, which changed the family dynamic forever.

Does Meri Think Protecting Robyn Will Win Kody Back?

He Never Loved Her And Never Will

Sister wives - Meri looking sad with Kody, Christine, Robyn and Janelle in the background
Custom image by César García

When the Brown family started to fall, they were divided into two camps: on one side were Janelle and Christine, and the other side was Kody and Robyn.

Meri was strictly on Kody and Robyn’s team, and tried to make the marriage work. Eventually, it was Kody’s refusal to have any type of marriage with her pushed Meri to finally walk away.

Since then,, Meri has continued to defend Robyn. It could be because she harbors hopes of salvaging her marriage to Kody, but the Sister Wives season 19 star needs to understand that Kody will never love her back.


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