Update Shocking: Why Are Fans Disgusted With Maddie Brown Brush?

Maddie Brush - Evie brush Instagram

Sister Wives fans are seeing Maddie Brown Brush for her true colors — and they are disgusted by what they are learning.

As Tv Shows Ace previously reported, has 544K Instagram followers. This makes her more popular than both Kody and Robyn Brown. Moreover, she’s only trailing behind Meri Brown by 300K followers.

Despite having a little over half a million followers on Instagram, chatter on Reddit suggests a lot of the Sister Wives fan population doesn’t actually care for Maddie Brown Brush. In fact, fans agree they are seeing her true colors in her Instagram activity. And, they don’t like what they are seeing.

What did Maddie Brush do that has fans so upset? Keep reading for the rundown.

Maddie Brush/IG


Maddie Brown Brush’s true colors shine through, fans disgusted

As fans know, Maddie is just one of several members of the family that push the weight loss product Plexus. Now, all three of Kody’s ex-wives have dabbled in at least one MLM.

Instagram activity reveals that Maddie was the first to jump on the Plexus train. In time, she got both Janelle and Christine to sign up for Plexus as well.

Because Meri doesn’t really have a relationship with Janelle, Christine, or Maddie, this was never an MLM that Meri also pushed on her followers.

Now, Maddie posts about Plexus pretty regularly. She, however, always turns the comments off on her posts related to Plexus.

Likewise, fans are noticing that Maddie never really consumed Plexus in any of her posts throughout her entire pregnancy.

That, however, didn’t stop her from promoting it. While there are many people who claim the product is safe to take while pregnant.

There isn’t any concrete evidence to suggest it is or isn’t safe. In fact, the product encourages you to consult a doctor before consuming while pregnant.

sister wives janelle brown - Maddie brush Instagram


Sister Wives fans agree that Maddie Brown Brush misled her followers and sent a potentially dangerous message to her followers by continuing to promote the product while pregnant. Fans argue that pushing the product while pregnant sent a very strong message that it was safe to take while pregnant.

Here’s what some frustrated fans are saying:

  • “The issue is they don’t know if its safe. It might be fine. It might not. But we don’t know because a) research on women’s health is absurdly under funded and b) not a lot of research gets done on non-FDA approved supplements because the company doesn’t pay for it (and it’s expensive).”
  • “If it’s for weight loss then why is a pregnant person drinking it….”
  • “I’m sorry but Maddie is really insufferable. She got the worst personality traits from Kody and Janelle.”
    Maddie Brush Instagram
    Maddie Brush Instagram

Unfortunately, Maddie does keep her comments turned off on posts related to Plexus. So, fans have not been able to confront her directly with these concerns.


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