Update News: Robyn Brown Affirms Kody Gets What Kody Wants

Robyn, Kody/YouTube

Robyn Brown is affirming that her husband Kody pretty much always gets what he wants. The father of eighteen has demanded patriarchy more recently. This has not sat well with his remaining wives, mainly Janelle.

In fact, his condescending ways could be the reason why she opted to leave this particular plural family. Now, in part two of the Season 18 Sister Wives tell-all, Robyn points out a moment in which Kody would have gotten his way. Unfortunately, it did not play out as he had wanted. Read on for more details.

Robyn Brown Affirms Kody Gets What Kody Wants

Kody has always appeared to get what he wants and when doesn’t, it infuriates him. This was apparent during the pandemic and he felt that his wives and kids were disrespecting him.

It caused such a rift between him and some of his sons, there are questions about if the damage can even be repaired. Essentially, he is quite stubborn.

In part two of the Sister Wives tell-all, host Sukanya Krishnan was talking to Kody’s fourth wife, Robyn Brown. She is the only wife he has left at this point.

Robyn Brown/YouTube

The topic of Kody wanting to reconcile with his first wife, Meri came up. It has been alleged that he had wanted to try to work things out with her.

However, when he brought this up with his other wives, his former third wife, Christine was opposed to it. More so, she tried to block it, a claim that Christine has vehemently denied. Now, Meri had no knowledge of this alleged reconciliation.

Christine Brown/YouTube

As Sukanya is talking with Robyn Brown about everything that went down, she posed a question. She asked her if Christine had not been opposed, would Kody and Meri have worked things out? To that, Robyn replied that it very well could have happened simply because Kody gets what he wants.

Obviously, he did not really want it that bad because he let Christine stop him and when Kody goes on a tangent, there is no stopping him.

Meri’s Rebuttal

Meri claims that she had absolutely no knowledge that Kody wanted to reconcile. Furthermore, she had no idea that Christine had ever tried to block a reconciliation from happening.

This is all coming out of nowhere to her. Yet, she does recall the moment that made him smile which was their anniversary when she made him Rice Krispie Treats. She baked him one for each year of their marriage. However, she recalls trying to kiss him when the cameras were down and him backing away.

Meri Brown/YouTube

At this point, Robyn Brown is the only wife that Kody has left. Christine exited the family in early 2021 with Janelle and Meri leaving in 2022. Both Christine and Janelle could not live up to Robyn’s high standards that she had set nor did they want to.

They have both become extremely independent. No matter how hard Kody fought to keep Christine in town, her mind was made up and she left. So maybe he does not always get what he wants.

What do you think about Robyn Brown’s statement pertaining to her husband? Does she have him pegged pretty well and is that a good or bad trait to have?

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