Robyn, Meri & Janelle Upset After Kody End Up With Majority Of The Property Despite Them Paying

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In a surprising and controversial turn of events, the Sister Wives family is once again at the center of a major dispute. This time, the conflict revolves around the division of family property, leaving Robyn, Meri, and Janelle feeling betrayed and upset after Kody Brown ended up with the majority of the assets, despite significant financial contributions from all wives.

The Property Dispute

The dispute over the property division has been brewing for some time. Over the years, the Brown family has acquired multiple properties, including their homes in Flagstaff, Arizona. The expectation among the sister wives was that these properties would be fairly divided, reflecting each wife’s financial input and commitment to the family.

Contributions Overlooked

Robyn, Meri, and Janelle have all contributed significantly to the family’s finances. Janelle, known for her strong work ethic, has been a consistent financial supporter, while Meri has run her own businesses to help sustain the family. Robyn, the newest wife, also brought in resources that were expected to be part of the family pool. Despite these contributions, recent decisions have left them feeling sidelined and underappreciated.

According to sources close to the family, Kody has taken control of the majority of the property, citing his position as the head of the family and the legal complications that come with their unique polygamous lifestyle. This has not sat well with the wives, who feel their efforts and investments have been ignored.

Reactions from the Wives

Meri, who has had a tumultuous relationship with Kody in recent years, expressed her disappointment openly. “It’s not about the money,” she said. “It’s about respect and acknowledgment of what we’ve all put into this family. We’ve worked hard, and it feels like that has been forgotten.”

Janelle, typically more reserved, also voiced her concerns. “We agreed to this lifestyle knowing it would be challenging, but we also believed we were in this together, sharing equally in the ups and downs. This decision feels like a betrayal of that trust.”

Robyn, often perceived as Kody’s favorite, surprisingly sided with Meri and Janelle. “I never expected to feel this way, but it’s clear that we all deserve better. We’ve all contributed, and it’s only fair that we all benefit equally,” she stated.

The Legal and Emotional Implications

The division of property in a polygamous family is complex, often lacking clear legal frameworks. This situation has highlighted the legal gray areas that polygamous families must navigate. For the Browns, it has also brought to light the emotional strains and potential for inequity within their familial structure.

The wives are reportedly seeking legal counsel to better understand their rights and ensure a more equitable distribution of assets. This move could set a precedent for other polygamous families facing similar issues, potentially prompting changes in how such arrangements are legally recognized and managed.

The Future of the Brown Family

As tensions rise, the future of the Brown family hangs in the balance. Will this property dispute further fracture their relationships, or will it prompt a re-evaluation and restructuring that leads to a fairer, more united family dynamic? Only time will tell.

Fans of “Sister Wives” are closely watching these developments, sympathizing with the wives’ plight and questioning Kody’s decisions. The situation has sparked broader discussions about fairness, respect, and the complexities of polygamous relationships.


The upset caused by Kody Brown’s majority control of the family property has revealed deep-seated issues within the Brown family. Despite their significant contributions, Robyn, Meri, and Janelle feel marginalized and disrespected. As they seek to rectify this imbalance, their actions could lead to important changes in how polygamous families handle financial and property matters. The unfolding drama is sure to keep fans engaged, waiting to see how this pivotal moment in the Brown family’s story will resolve.





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