Let’s look back: SISTER WIVES – Kody & Robyn called out for “GROSS BEHAVIOR” at Christine’s Wedding

SISTER WIVES - Kody & Robyn called out for "GROSS BEHAVIOR" at Christine's  Wedding - YouTube

The hit reality TV show “Sister Wives” has never been short on drama, but recent events have taken the turmoil to new heights. Kody Brown and his wife Robyn are under fire from fans and fellow cast members for what has been described as “gross behavior” at Christine Brown’s wedding.

The Wedding Day Drama

Christine Brown, one of Kody’s former wives, recently tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony that was supposed to be a joyous occasion. However, the celebration was overshadowed by the controversial actions of Kody and Robyn. Witnesses reported that the couple appeared dismissive and uninterested throughout the event, drawing criticism from guests and viewers alike.

Disrespectful Conduct

Attendees at the wedding noted several instances of Kody and Robyn’s disrespectful conduct. According to sources close to the family, Kody was seen avoiding interactions with Christine and her new husband, while Robyn made snide remarks about the couple and their special day. This behavior did not go unnoticed, and many guests felt it was a deliberate attempt to undermine Christine’s happiness.

Fan Backlash

Fans of “Sister Wives” quickly took to social media to express their outrage. Many accused Kody and Robyn of being unable to move past their issues with Christine, pointing out that their actions were not only hurtful but also immature. Twitter and Instagram were flooded with comments condemning the couple’s behavior, with hashtags like #GrossBehavior and #RespectChristine trending.

Cast Reactions

The rest of the Brown family has also weighed in on the situation. Janelle and Meri, Kody’s other wives, expressed their disappointment and disapproval. Janelle, in particular, was vocal about her support for Christine, stating that everyone should have put their differences aside for the sake of the wedding. Meri, though more reserved, echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing the importance of respect and unity.

Christine’s Response

Christine, on the other hand, remained composed and gracious despite the drama. In a post-wedding interview, she acknowledged the tension but chose to focus on the positive aspects of her big day. “It was about celebrating love and new beginnings,” Christine said. “I won’t let negativity overshadow such a beautiful moment in my life.”

Moving Forward

As the fallout from the wedding continues, fans are left wondering how these events will impact the future dynamics within the Brown family. Will Kody and Robyn attempt to mend fences, or will this incident deepen the existing rifts? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: “Sister Wives” will continue to be a source of compelling and sometimes controversial entertainment.


The “Sister Wives” saga never fails to deliver on drama and emotional highs and lows. The recent incident at Christine’s wedding has sparked significant debate and criticism, highlighting the ongoing tensions within the Brown family. As viewers, we can only hope that the family finds a way to navigate these challenges with grace and maturity.


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