Update Shocking: ‘Sister Wives’ Fans Ballistic Over TLC Bowing To Kody & Robyn

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Sister Wives fans have absolutely had enough of Kody and Robyn Brown. A many think it’s time for the producers to stand up to the pair and put an end to their poor behavior and manipulation tactics.

What exactly do fans have to say after the most recent tell-all episode? Read on to get answers.

Kody & Robyn infuriate fans during the Sister Wives tell-all

Last night, the latest episode of the Season 18 tell-all premiered on TLC. And after viewing it, Sister Wives fans have plenty of thoughts. One thing is certain though; viewers are fed up with Kody and Robyn.

Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

“Ok so let’s talk about what I think will be the downfall of Sister Wives. (TL;DR at the bottom),” one Redditor began their post. They began with discussing the tell-all hostess, Sukanya Krishnan. The OP believed that she didn’t know enough about the Brown family history and that’s why she is too easy on Kody and Robyn during the interviews.

But on the other hand, perhaps it’s possible that Sukanya Krishnan does know, but someone else is pulling the strings and steering her away from asking the difficult questions.

“I think this comes down to Kody and Robyn being childish. Diva behavior saying things like ‘These things are off limits or we are not going to do it,’ or if she keeps asking about _______ I am going to walk,’” the original Redditor continued. “So honestly I think it is the producers bowing to K & R that will kill the show. Softball contracts and bowing to diva demands. Not Suki. Suki will bear the blame.”

Sukanya Krishnan from Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

The OP went on to call out Sister Wives producers for not standing up to Kody and Robyn. Thy dynamic duo definitely have an ego, but at the end of the day, the network would still have plenty of content even if the pair decided to walk out.

“TL;DR: Producers bowing to K & R diva demands is going to kill the show,” they concluded their lengthy post.

Redditors react to the OP’s ideas

As with any Sister Wives thread, viewers had a mixed bag of reactions. But in general, most agreed that Kody and Robyn have had way too much control over production.

“What I don’t get is why (supposedly) Kody and Robyn get to call the shots? They are the literal employees while TLC is the employer. Which employers in our lives let us dictate what the terms were regarding our work tasks?” another Redditor replied in the thread.

Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

“I see a lot of mentions of Suki, and to be totally honest, I don’t see any other way TLC can handle this,” another Redditor chimed in. “Asking Kody and Robyn the tough questions means that they can choose not to participate anymore and in all likelihood, shows with happy families and no drama..don’t do as well as shows with villains. Most of us are riveted by the fallout of their marriages and most of us would likely find a new source of entertainment if it was just the Janelle and Christine show with nothing interesting happening.”

Do you agree with the Redditors’ points here? Share your thoughts and ideas with everyone else in the comments.


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